Rarity: Promo
Card Number: ST12-12 U
Type: N/A
Color: White
Play Cost: 3
Card Text
[On Play] By trashing 1 card in your hand, [Draw 2]. (Draw 2 cards from your deck.)
[All Turns] While you have a Digimon in play with [Huckmon] in its name or [Royal Knight] in its traits, this Digimon gains [Decoy Red/Black] (When one of your other red or black Digimon would be deleted by an opponent's effect, you may delete this Digimon to prevent that deletion.)
[All Turns] While you have a Digimon in play with [Huckmon] in its name or [Royal Knight] in its traits, this Digimon gains [Decoy Red/Black] (When one of your other red or black Digimon would be deleted by an opponent's effect, you may delete this Digimon to prevent that deletion.)
Illustrator: Teppei Tadokoro
Set: Starter Deck 12: Jesmon
Printing: Foil
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